
QSig Commission logo

The QSig Commission is an informally organized group of academic and industry researchers which is working on Quantum-1‐Shot-Signatures (Q1Ss). Our interests are the following:

  • Solve some theoretical problems in the Q1S research, such as if non-collapsing, collision resistant hash functions exist;
  • Prove open questions around the security of Q1S;
  • Work on Q1S implementations;
  • Estimate the amount of quantum resources needed for a given implementation;
  • Simplify implementations to make them consume as little resources as possible.

We work at the intersection between quantum cryptography and Web3, since Q1S may have a big impact on the architecture of consensus protocols. More broadly, we are interested in a wide range of applications of quantum computing to Web3, such as making Web3 protocols quantum resistant.

We are mainly active on Github, where we also have a Wiki. The difference between the Wiki and the blog is in the level of formality. Here, you can expect reports about ideas and works-in-progress, whereas the Wiki includes bibliographic resources and more stratified knowledge.